Unless otherwise stated, the following policies are in PDF format. You will need Adobe Reader or other compatible program to view them.
- Intellectual Property Policy
- 7A-1 Advances for Externally Funded Projects and Initiating Work Without An Award
- 7A-2 Misconduct in Research, Creative Activity, and Scholarship
- 7A-3 Policy of Authorship and Data Acquisition Management and Ownership
- 7A-4 Cost Sharing
- 7A-5 Cost Transfer
- 7A-6 Direct/Indirect Costs
- 7A-7 Distribution of Indirect Cost Earnings on Projects Involving More than One Organizational Unit
- 7A-8 Responsible Conduct of Research
- 7A-9 Effort Commitment
- 7A-10 Export Controls
- 7A-11 Fixed Price Residual Funds
- 7A-12 Indirect Cost Recovery
- 7A-13 FICA Policy and Student Enrollment
- 7A-14 Investigator Eligibility
- 7A-15 Limited Submissions
- 7A-16 Policy for Contacting Federal Elected Officials and Agencies
- 7A-17 Placement of Funds
- 7A-18 Participant Support Costs
- 7A-19 Proposal Submission
- 7A-20 Program Income
- 7A-21 Financial Conflict of Interest Disclosure
- 7A-22 SRAD Distribution
- 7A-23 Subrecipient Monitoring
- 7A-24 Texting While Driving
- 7A-25 Unallowable Costs on Federally Sponsored Agreements
- 7A-26 Research Data Management Policy
- 7A-27 Public Access Policy for Research Publications